Registration fees

News (updated on Dec 6th 2022 and January 31st 2023

Warning (April 4th, 2023): we are receiving a very large number of requests for registration.

  • If you are a speaker, a poster presenter or an Minisymposium organizer, you have priority to register. You can proceed to fees payment in order to finalize your registration.
  • If you are a simple new participant and you ask for a registration via the sciencesconf website, we cannot guarantee the admissibility of your registration at this time. Do not pay your registration fees, we will confirm as soon as possible -- and at the latest in early May -- if we can register you or not. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Invidual fees: according to your status

  • PhD students (upon justification): 80€ TTC (all taxes included)
  • Other conference attendees: 170€ TTC (all taxes included)

The payment of fees gives access to

  • the conference site and presentations
  • the welcome cocktail on the first day
  • coffee breaks (morning and afternoon)
  • buffet lunches on Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th *

We are organizing a conference dinner on the Seine river.
We encourage you to register to live an exceptional moment on a bateau-mouches (river cruise),  with a gala dinner, in the heart of the monuments of Paris.
The additional participation fees is 80€ TTC. 
An accompanying person to a conference attendee can also register to gala dinner (same fees). The capacity of the boat is limited, registrations will be made on the basis "First arrived, first served".


Status   Fees   Fees including gala dinner 
on Seine river
Gala dinner
PhD students 80€ 160€
Other conference attendees 170€ 250€
Accompagnying person     80€


A secured payment link (debit/credit card) is available here.

We are committed to offsetting CO2 from conference activities and our budget includes tree planting: to know more, see the presentation by EcoTree

 * Our current budget enables to support only 2 buffet lunches. In case of budget extension, we will extend the buffet lunch to 3, 4 or 5 days.
Besides, the conference area is full of more or less advanced catering solutions (fast food or bistronomic restaurants). Apart from buffet lunch days, it will be easy for each participant to find a catering solution adapted to his/her budget.


River cruise on Capitaine Fracasse (credits:

capitainefracasse.jpg carre_prestige_jour_21.jpg

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