Submit an abstract (closed)

Important deadines for submission:

For thematic minisymposia (3 or 4 talks, 30 minutes each including Q&A): submission deadline on December 31, 2022. Acceptance by end of January 2023.

For contributed presentations (30' talk or poster)submission deadline on February 28, 2023Acceptance by end of March 2023.

Instructions for plenary speakers and for contributed presentations.

The authors are kindly asked to download and use the template for abstracts here. The template contains two files: Abstract-Main.tex and SpeakerName.tex.

  1. Please rename file SpeakerName.tex with the name of the speaker and adapt the "SpeakerName" in file Abstract-Main.tex accordingly
  2. Do not make any other modification to Abstract-Main.tex
  3. In the file SpeakerName.tex, follow the instructions by inserting the tile, authors' names, affiliations, and abstract as indicated.
    If you need to define your own macros, it is required to include your name in their definitions (to ease the compilation of the book of abstracts).
    If possible, please refrain from using any macros.
  4. Optional: Insert the bibliography as indicated. You can obtain it using BiBTeX with the bib style plain.bst and the commands \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{MyBiblioFile}. Then import the .bbl file.
  5. Fill the command \insession according to the instructions in the SpeakerName.tex file.
  6. Compile Abstract-Main.tex with LaTeX and submit the pdf as well as the source files in the registration module.
    1. Once logged in, click on "My submissions" and proceed to a new submission.
    2. Select the right type (Thematic symposium/Plenary speaker/Contributed presentation).
    3. No need for further details in "Step 1: metadata " and "Step 2: author overview".
    4. The files have to be submitted in "Step 3: Files".

Instructions for thematic minisymposia.

Using the same template for abstracts, the organiser collects the SpeakerName.tex file from the 3 or 4 minisymposium speakers.
Same steps 2-3-4-5-6 as before.
For step 1, insert as many "input SpeakerNameXX.tex" as the number of speakers, in file Abstract-Main.tex.
The organiser submits all the files for all MS authors.


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